Sunday 9 February 2014

Horror in the Heartland – vicky

The cast and crew get a scare while taking a break from filming “Murder in the Heartland.” Fade in: We see the cast and crew taking a break from filming near a abandoned storm cellar. Fairbuka Balk talks with the cast and crew, laughing it up. The director reads the script while sitting in his chair, making sure they didn’t miss anything. And where’s Tim Roth? oh, he’s in the old fashioned car in the front seat, smiling and enjoying old tunes. CUT TO INT.CAR.NIGHT. Tim:yeah, Summertime Blues, sing it Eddie! He’s dressed just like the teenage killer he’s portraying on screen, complete with a black leather coat and pompadore. He looks outside again, enjoying the carefree attitude of the cast and crew. he laughs, having one good time. Then, turning back to the radio,he gets the eerie feeling of being watched. he sits back, overlooking the car, there’s nobody else in there but him, no cameras, nothing. so shrugging, he removes the cigarette from his mouth. Taking a few puffs, he puts his head back on the seat and shuts his eyes. Tim:hell yeah. Suddenly, the entire car freezes over. he shivers. Tim:brrr… he hears a voice that is cold as ice.
lifting his head and opening his eyes, he gasps. There, in the passenger seat beside him, is the teenage killer himself, Charlie Starkweather. he looks alive, even though he’s not, wearing the same thing Tim is. but much shorter, as he’s only five foot 2 and Tim’s five foot seven. smoking a cigarette of course, letting ghost smoke escape. his hair bright red, in a pompadore. Tim is of course speechless, not knowing what to do, or say. So, Charlie decides to break the ice. Charlie:hello Tim. Tim decides to speak, despite how scared he is. this is the first time he’s encountered a ghost in his lifetime. Tim:hello, uh how do you know my name? Charlie:I know everything that’s going on around here. Tim:no, you couldn’t possibly. Charlie:come on, try me. Tim:fine, then who am I dressed as? Charlie:oh that’s a easy one, me. Tim:holy shit this is freaky, but how can you be here, your dead and in the grave. Charlie:I’m a ghost, that’s how I can be here. he sucks on his cigarette, letting out ghost smoke. Tim runs his hand through it. Tim:its real. Charlie:yeah. Tim:so, we’re taking a break from filming the tv mini-series “Murder in the Heartland” which of course is about you and how many people you killed. Charlie shakes his head in disappointment, not at the movie but at Caril and what she did to him in the jail cell. Charlie:I hate Caril, she turned against me in the jail cell, said I was like a wild animal who kille for the thrill of it, read it in the paper in my cell, had a fit. Tim nods, understanding. Tim:ever stop to think that maybe she was terrified? Charlie:of what, me? Tim:yeah.
Charlie:why, what bad thing did I do? Tim:you murderered 11 people for no apparent reason, including her family and her half sister, Betty Jean, who was just 2. Charlie:so what, they had it coming, to me, they were a road block. Tim:yeah, right. Charlie:oh, so you agree with me then? Tim:no I don,t, listen, your freaking me out, you better leave. Charlie:or else? Tim:look, it’s been a long day of shooting and I’m not in the mood for your bullshit alright, God no wonder nobody wanted to be with you. shaking his head, he turns away, looks out the window. Charlie is so mad that he grabs his shotgun and aims it at his head. Tim, seeing the gun in the window, turns back to him and laughs. Tim:think your gonna shoot me with a ghost shotgun? he laughs some more, until Charlie cocks it, crazed look in his eyes. Charlie:not so smart now, are ya? Tim:oh my God… he puts his hands up and Charlie smiles. Charlie:yeah. CUT TO EXT.SET.NIGHT. Fairbuka notices Tim freaking out in the car. Fairbuka:oh, think Tim’s freaking out in the car, guess I should go see what it is. Heather looks too. Heather:yeah, what the hell? Fairbuka drops her smoke to the ground and runs towards the car. CUT TO INT.CAR.NIGHT. Tim backs up against the door, the shotgun still in his face, he pleads. Tim:please, I got a family and you don’t want to make me number 12 do you? Charlie thinks for a second, before answering.
Charlie:you know something, I do, now don’t move. Tim:please. Charlie:shut up. Tim shuts his eyes, panting hard. he would of shot him if Fairbuka hadn’t arrived and knocked on the window. Charlie takes a quick look at her. Charlie:she looks nothing like Caril. Tim:she doesn’t have to. Charlie:damn. Turning to the car, he rolls the window down. Fairbuka:hey, saw you freaking out over there, what’s going on? Tim:can’t you see him? Fairbuka:who? Tim:Charlie, he’s sitting right there. she looks and sees nothing, shrugs, turns back to him. Fairbuka:Tim there’s nothing there, movie getting to you or something? Tim:what? he quickly looks in the passenger seat but sees nothing. swallowing hard, he tries to get the door open. Fairbuka gets mad at him. Fairbuka:damn it, calm down Roth! she moves away as he gets the door open. he hurries outside, slamming it behind him. CUT TO EXT.SET.NIGHT. Tim:I swear he was right there, threatening me with a shotgun! Fairbuka:okay baby calm down, there’s nothing to be afraid of! Wanting to know what’s going on, the director walks up to them. Robert:what’s going on here? Fairbuka:oh Tim’s wigging out cause he thought he saw Charlie in the car with him.
the director raises his eyebrows. Robert:what? Tim:Goddamn it I was imagining things, he was right there! they both take a look at the frosted car, but see nothing. then, the door slowly opens. they gasp. Robert:holy shit. Tim:see, I wasn’t lying. a haunting remedy of “We belong Together” by Richie Valens plays over the radio. we hear the plane crash, along with Buddy Holly screaming and talking in a gravelly manner. they look at each other and Fairbuka takes Tim’s arm. they don’t know what to do. Robert:shit, I don’t know what to do, this has never happened to me before. Tim:me neither, this is my first ghost experience. Fairbuka:hey, there’s a first for everything. Tim:are you saying this isn’t your first ghost experience? Fairbuka:no it is, it is… the song continues as some of the cast and crew look at them, wondering what the hell’s going on. Tim, looking in the backseat, sees the ghost version of Charlie and Caril, both holding shotguns in their icy cold hands. they turn skeletal in a second, both wearing tattered clothing. the earth feels like it just got darker. Tim instantly looks away. Tim:okay, don’t look in the backseat. Fairbuka:oh God, what’s back there? Tim:Charlie and Caril. Fairbuka:what? Fairbuka and Robert both take a quick look in the backseat. they gasp, seeing them too. Robert:holy fucking hell. Tim:you see them too, right? they nod.
Fairbuka:yeah, they’re skeletons. Tim:see, just what I’ve been saying all night, finally believers! they continue staring, until Charlie and Caril get upset and leave forever. “We belong Together” by Richie Valens, along with the plane crash noise and screaming, snap off. the frost melts over the car. the door slams shut. the eerie feeling is gone. Fairbuka turns to her co-star, Tim Roth. Fairbuka:were we just haunted? Tim:I’m afraid so, yeah. Fairbuka:oh, I don’t like this movie anymore. she buries her head in his chest, allowing him to hug her. Tim:me neither. The director, running his hands through his black hair, walks away. nothing but silence as we fade to black. Re-open the film in the Nebraska cemetery, where many of Charlie’s victims lay. Including the mass murderer himself. We walk along the stones, finally stopping on Charlie’s. We hear him laugh, and talk. Charlie:ahahahahaha yeah, I’m glad I killed 11 people, those idiots had it coming! He continues laughing as we fade to black. The End, or is it? ——————

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