Sunday 2 February 2014

This is just for my love… – sonali

I first saw him in my dance class ,he came to learn dance with his friend .He was quite a matured man with a very good structure .I must say, he was a pathetic dancer but a very good learner .Slowly steadily i was getting attracted towards him , but i was not accepting this thing .He made me laugh with his silly jokes and funny dance steps.Days passed ,then came winter break for 10 days..we used to chat daily ,some general stuff and all. After break we continued chatting and calling each other ,once he called me late night ,when he was at a party of his friend and told me that he was missing me. I didn’t know what to say at that time.Next day he proposed me on phone and told me he really liked me and wanted to marry me. As he didn’t want to be in a hanky panky relationship and he was very serious for me. For me it was very early to accept everything so i told him for some time to think over it. No doubt i really liked him but for marriage i was not ready to give any commitment.
After some days ,he was very upset because of some problems at his home ,that day he told me about some of his family problems that i think no other guy would tell to anyone.I was very impressed with his honesty and next day i accepted his proposal for marriage.So we were a couple.He was very caring and a loving boyfriend .Months passed, and i shifted to some other place in my city.but those days which i spent with him were awesome .He is really a best boyfriend ,a best friend and a best teacher (he used to teach me some good communication skills and guide me in the fields i was lacking )in this world Once ,(june 14,i still remeber that date)my mom came to know about our relationship ,that day was the life changing day for us.Because he was not from our caste so things became very complicated and also in my family my parents really believe in astrology and match – making system .and our horoscopes were not matching. I was not allowed to talk to him. A emotional black mail from my parents continued (hum mar jaenge to kar lena shadi!!!! hamari kya izzat rah jaegi society me kisi dusri jaat me ladki de di!!! ) i know how i survived those days that was the pathetic time i have ever seen in my life. But i was sure about my decision and i refused to back out. My family really loved me so they agreed to talk to my boyfriend .
The way my brother talked to him and and pressurized him ,was not appropriate , but still that person endured everything just because of me. After one moth we convinced our parents to meet anyhow. During that meeting his mother was not looking very happy because of our unmatched horoscopes.But he told me that his mother was little apprehensive about our future because of horoscopes but he was sure everything would be fine. My family wanted that we should get married soon without any delay but his mother again gave a reason for late marriage .she told us that an astrologer told them that marriage should happen after June next year.My parents however agreed,but in November end his mother called my mom that she went to another astrologer for some remedy and that person told her that this marriage could cause death to anyone of us (either me or my boyfriend).So she refused for our marriage. That night ,my boyfriend had a bitter argument with his parents and told them he would never marry in his whole life. He is really upset because of his parents .he can’t leave his family and can’t even afford to lose me. He is stuck somewhere between me and his family.I can’t see him like this.
Things are getting worst because my parents are searching another good match for me .His sister is getting married soon ,he has some responsibilities in his life. i know he is totally shattered Now guy !!!that is my story …i don’t want to keep quite because i know its a real life not like our bollywood stories where some miracle would happen and everything gonna be okay!!!! I want you guys to help me ..i am making a documentary about marriage experiences of some real life couples for our parents.if you know some one who had a marriage with unmatched horoscope and if they are happy just tell me .or anyone who after this matched horoscope faced a bad marriage. or any astrologer who believe that if two persons really love each other then horoscope should not be considered..i just want a 2 min video from your side nothing else. please guys i really need some videos for my documentary asap.because we don’t have much time to convince our parents. anyone who is interested reply me. thank you sonali

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